Five reasons why your influencer campaign proposal is getting rejected

None of us like rejection, but the harsh truth is rejections and failures are vital for improvement and growth.

The same goes for campaign proposal rejection as well. With every rejection, there is a scope for improved proposals in the future. 

It allows your agency to fill the gap between what you deliver and what your clients are looking for in the proposal.

Let’s discuss the most common cause of proposal rejection and how to combat them in detail.

Proposal is not data driven

The lack of data in the proposal is one of the top causes of rejection. The proposal must include the numbers you are aiming for, along with a star-studded portfolio latched with numbers and data of your previous influencer campaign with another brand. 

This not only wins your client’s trust but also helps them understand how you will drive the proposed results.

The data you should include in your proposal are CPV, CPE and total reach. You can include metrics like affiliated links used or website visits as well.

All this helps your clients foresee the result you are proposing and the viability of the proposal.

Proposal includes unfit influencers for the brand

As an agency, you have formed a network of influencers you can always trust to deliver the work they have been assigned. But including the same set of influencers again and again in your proposals can cause rejection by the clients.

Also, not all influencers can drive results for different brands and you can’t justify their selection in your proposal.

The same influencers will not be a niche and category fit for all the brands you propose.

But this problem can be easily combatted using Qoruz, an easy-to-use influencer marketing platform with a large influencer database of 3 lakhs+ influencers.

You can search for influencers based on category, platform, demographic and many more filters, which helps you choose better influencers for the brand.

And you can justify the selection of every influencer in your proposal in front of your client which make your proposal outshine your competitors.

                                                         Source: Qoruz

Proposal price is too high 

Pricing is the top cause of proposal rejection. Clients are always looking for a cheaper alternative to get the job done, even if the proposal is not as great as yours.

So it is essential to keep the price competitive in your proposal to avoid price-based rejection.

Also, do not keep the influencer ask too high than the actual ask. There are many ways to find the actual price for the clients. And that case will cause an issue of trust between you and your client, which is the last thing you want as it affects the agency’s reputation.

There is a KPI misalignment in the proposal 

KPI misalignment can be best understood by an example. Suppose the proposal talks about brand growth and sales, but the KPI included in the proposal is brand awareness this disconnect in the KPI can surely lead to rejection.

If there is a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) misalignment in a proposal, it means that the proposed goals or metrics do not align with the overall objectives or expectations of the campaign.

This can lead to confusion and a lack of progress towards achieving the desired results. To address this issue, it is necessary to revise the proposal and align the KPIs with the campaign objectives. 

Brand’s Influencer marketing goals is different form the proposal 

Before proposing to a client, it is necessary to understand the depth of their requirements and goals, because of working with many clients, the proposal takes a toll and gets rejected.

Different brands have different marketing goals, and their owners and managers might have thought of their own about influencer marketing. And you have to keep up with it before proposing.

Many reasons can lead to proposal rejection in this situation like for example- the brand wants reach, but you are offering sales in your proposal or the brand want to be associated with top influencers but you are offering a barter campaign and many more like this.

That is why it is important to take an in-depth requirement from the brand along with your research to avoid this type of rejection.

Chances are there will always be some proposal rejections, but following these tips and tricks can help your agency minimize the rejection by optimizing your proposals.

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