The A-Z influencer marketing terms dictionary

Influencer marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools in today’s day, and age and brands use it to boost their sales and spread awareness regularly.

But terms specific to influencer marketing can be confusing for both brands and influencers who are trying it for the first time.

So to avoid any confusion in the future, let’s learn the A-Z terms of influencer marketing together and become the #experts

Influencer marketing terms and their meaning

These are the most commonly used influencer marketing terms used by the brands as well as the influencers.

Let’s discuss them one by one along with their meaning and example.

  1. Affiliate marketing

In affiliate marketing influencers generate traffic or leads to the brand’s product or website through an affiliate link.

The influencer attaches the link in the caption or description so their audience can directly reach the brand’s product or website by clicking on it.

Influencers ask their audience if they like the product shown in the content they can click on the link to buy the product directly. Affiliate marketing also acts as an effective KPI for reach in influencer marketing.

  1. Audience insight 

Audience insight is characteristic of an influencer audience. It helps brands choose a better fit of  influencers for their brand.

The audience insight of an influencer includes:

  • Age range 
  • Gender following percentage 
  • Location 

This information helps brands choose influencers whose audience is closest to the brand’s target group.

For example, a makeup brand that wants to boost its sales in Mumbai will choose an influencer with a larger young female following from Mumbai.

  1. Benchmark 

Benchmark is a reference standard against which the performance or success of an influencer campaign is evaluated. Benchmark is also used to set goals for influencer campaigns.

Some common benchmarks are:

  • Views
  • Comments 
  • Overall campaign reach 
  1. Brand awareness

Brand awareness is one of the most important KPIs of influencer marketing campaigns. Because its result is long-lasting, and it helps the brand connect with its customers.

Brand awareness is simply the extent to which consumers are familiar with the brand, and its distinctive quality of goods or services.

  1. Brief

Brief is the initial instruction or protocol given by the brand to the influencers which must be included in the content.

The brief is generally the first point of contact between the brand and the influencer, so it has to be drafted carefully.

  1. Creator economy

The creator economy rose through platforms like YouTube, and Instagram, which provide tools for creators to build and monetize their content. It has also been driven by the rise of the influencer marketing and the increasing demand for it.

The creator economy allows creators to earn revenue through their content through monetization or influencer marketing.

  1. Campaign 

An influencer campaign is a marketing strategy in which brand partners with one or more social media influencers to promote their products or services to the influencer’s audience. 

The goal of an influencer campaign is to reach a larger audience, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales or conversions.

  1. Collaboration

An influencer collaboration is a partnership between brands and influencers to promote brands’ products or services to their audiences through content in exchange for money or sometimes experiences.

  1. CPV

CPV in influencer marketing stands for “cost per view.” It is a pricing model used by brands to measure the campaign’s results, based on the number of views the content receives.

To put it simply, the influencer’s performance is inversely proportional to the CPV; the lower the CPV goes, the better the influencer performs.

For example, among two influencers the better performer is the one who receives views for less price rather than the one who receives the same views for higher price.

  1. CPE

CPe in influencer marketing stands for “cost per engagement” It is a pricing model used by brands to measure the campaign’s results, based on the number of engagements the content receives.

To put it simply, the influencer’s performance is inversely proportional to the CPE; the lower the CPE goes, the better the influencer performs.

For example, among two influencers the better performer is the one who receives engagement for less price rather than the one who receives the same engagement for a higher price.

  1. Content calendar

A content calendar in influencer marketing is a schedule of content that an influencer plans to post over a certain period of time. 

The content calendar can help to ensure that the influencer’s content is consistent, relevant, and aligned with the brand’s goals and messaging.

  1. Deliverables 

In influencer marketing, deliverables are the specific outputs or items that the influencer is expected to provide as part of the campaign. 

These deliverables are usually outlined in the influencer’s contract with the brand, and can include a range of content or services.

  1. Disclosure

A visible indicator, such as a written text that is required to clearly state the purpose of the collaboration, the connection between the influencer and the brand. 

Common indications include words or hashtags such as ad, paid, in collaboration with or sponsored. 

  1. Earned media 

Earned media in influencer marketing refers to the additional coverage or exposure that a brand receives through the promotion of its product or service by influencers. 

Unlike paid media or owned media, which are more directly controlled by the brand, earned media relies on the influence and reach of influencers to spread the brand’s message.

  1. Engagement rate 

The engagement rate in influencer marketing is a measure of the level of engagement that an influencer’s content generates among their followers. It is often used as a key performance indicator (KPI) to assess the effectiveness of an influencer campaign.

The engagement rate is typically calculated as a percentage, by dividing the total number of engagements on an influencer’s content by the total number of followers, and multiplying by 100. 

  1. Follower range 

Follower range in influencer marketing refers to the size of an influencer’s social media following, and is often used as a way to categorize influencers and evaluate their potential reach and impact.

In general, follower range can be categorized as follows:

  • Nano influencers (1K-10K)
  • Micro influencer (10K-50K)
  • Mid-tier influencer (50k-500k)
  • Macro influencers(500k-1million)
  • Mega influencers (over a million)

Influencers with different follower sizes are chosen for different purposes; for example, nano or micro-influencers are chosen to drive sales as their audience is highly engaged.

On the other hand, mid-tier or macro influencers are chosen for brand recognition at a larger scale because of their large following.

  1. Impressions 

Impressions in influencer marketing refer to the total number of times an influencer’s content has been viewed by their followers or by others on a social media platform. 

Impressions can include both organic impressions, which are the result of organic reach and distribution of the content, and paid impressions, which are the result of promoted or sponsored posts.

  1. Influencer marketing platform 

Influencer marketing platforms are used by brands to simplify the whole process of influencer campaigns. Which includes influencer search based on audience insight and analytics to influencer outreach and campaign reporting.

Influencer marketing platform reduces the time and effort put into influencer campaign significantly. 

And provide the actual performance data of the campaign to the brand which helps in avoiding the guesswork completely.

Try Qoruz an easy-to-use influencer marketing platform, which increases your team’s bandwidth by 70%.

  1. Influencer Analytics

Influencer analytics refers to the use of data and metrics to measure and analyze the past performance of influencer partnerships.

This includes a range of metrics and data points, such as follower growth, engagement rate, impressions, clicks, and past brand collaborations.

The use of influencer analytics allows brands and marketers to make data-driven decisions about their influencer partnerships. 

  1. Niche 

An influencer niche refers to a specific topic, interest, or industry that an influencer focuses on within their social media content and followers. 

Influencers often establish themselves as experts or authorities in a particular niche, creating content and building an audience around that specific topic.

For example, an influencer’s niche might be beauty, fitness, food, travel, technology, or any other topic or interest that has a dedicated following on social media. 

Niche helps the brand choose a better fit of influencers to run thier campaign as they choose influencers who align with their brand niche.

  1. Total reach

Total reach in influencer marketing refers to the total number of unique people who have been exposed to an influencer’s content or message. 

This includes the influencer’s own followers, as well as any additional reach generated through shares, reposts, or other types of engagement.

  1. Product Integration 

Product integration in influencer marketing refers to the integration of a brand’s product or service into an influencer’s content in a natural way.

Rather than simply promoting the product in a direct or explicit manner, product integration involves weaving the product into the influencer’s content in a way that feels authentic and relevant to the audience.

  1. User-generated content 

User-generated content (UGC) in influencer marketing refers to content created by a brand’s customers or fans, rather than by the brand or the influencer themselves. 

UGC can include any type of content, such as photos, videos, social media posts, reviews, and more, and is typically created and shared by customers who are passionate about a particular brand or product.

In the context of influencer marketing, UGC can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness and engagement, as it provides social proof and authentic content that can resonate with potential customers. 

By encouraging customers to create and share their own content featuring a brand’s products or services, influencers can help to amplify the brand’s message and create a sense of community and engagement around the brand.

  1. Word-of-mouth marketing

The word-of-mouth marketing strategy relies on satisfied customers sharing opinions and experiences of products and services through oral or written communication within their personal community. Word-of-mouth marketing is very effective as it has the least salesy feel to it.

Which one of these influencer marketing terms do you think was the most interesting and which one you knew already, let us know in the comment section below!

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