Tracking influencer campaigns just like Google and Facebook ads

Are you tired of figuring out how to measure the success of your influencer campaigns? Do you wish there was a way to track your influencer marketing efforts just like you do your Facebook and Google ads? 

Well, the good news is that it’s now possible to easily track the results of your influencer campaigns just like you would with any other paid advertising efforts. 

We’ll explore how to track the performance of your influencer campaigns and gain valuable insights into their effectiveness. 

Whether you’re just getting started with influencer marketing or an experienced pro, take advantage of this guide to easily track your influencer campaigns. Let’s dive in!

The Most Common KPIs in a Marketing Campaign 

Let’s start with the basics. Measuring your marketing campaigns is mandatory. 

Else, how do you measure your marketing efforts?

Regardless of any kind of digital platform you take up for marketing, here are the common KPIs  you need to know:

Social Media:  

  • Reach: The number of people who have seen a post or ad on social media 
  • Engagement: The number of likes, comments, and shares on a post or ad 
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of the desired action taken (such as making a purchase) after seeing a post or ad on social media

Paid Advertising:  

  • Cost per click (CPC): The cost of an ad per click 
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA): The cost of acquiring a customer through an ad 
  • Return on investment (ROI): The revenue generated from a campaign compared to the cost of the campaign

How Marketers Track the KPIs in Google & FB Ads Campaign

Marketers usually track the key performance indicators (KPIs) for their Google and Facebook ad campaigns using the following two:

Google Analytics

This is a free tool provided by Google that allows marketers to track a wide range of metrics, including website traffic, conversions, and revenue.  

Google Ads Manager: 

This is a platform for creating, managing, and analyzing online advertising campaigns that use Google’s advertising network.  Google Ads uses a pay-per-click (PPC) pricing model, which means businesses are charged each time a user clicks on one of their ads.

Facebook Ads Manager

This is a tool provided by Facebook that allows marketers to track the performance of their ad campaigns on the platform. It provides detailed metrics on reach, engagement, and conversions.

The above are the most common tools every marketer, even wanna-be’s, would know. 

Challenges When Tracking the KPIs in Influencer Campaign

The following are the key KPIs to consider when conducting an influencer campaign:

  • Engagement: Likes, Comments, views 
  • Engagement rate
  • Cost per engagement 
  • Cost per view 
  • Conversion & sales
  • Traffic to your website 

The KPIs mentioned above must have taken your long hours after every campaign goes live.

How does it feel like, investing most of your time switching spreadsheets, copy-pasting numbers, and trying to figure out how the campaign performed?

Frustrating, isn’t it?

Let’s take a look at the manual way of an influencer marketing campaign to understand the pain behind it:

Most times, you add a UTM code to your campaign and track the traffic you’ve been receiving after the campaign. 

These UTM codes you must have customized based on the social media channels (traffic source), campaign, content, and the influencer name (if it’s multiple influencer campaigns.) 

Or Calculate the engagement rate of each influencer by dividing the number of impressions by their total followers.

Or Take the average engagement rate for all of your influencers and compare it to industry benchmarks (again, an uncertain number).

Or there must have been a Discount code given to the influencer and track the ROI based on the completed purchases using the coupon codes. 

Ever felt how easy it would have been to have all of this automated and, within a few clicks, to fetch the report?

And you don’t have to borrow extra hours from your next day to create reports or keep track of increasing or decreasing engagement.

An Influencer Marketing Platform Does Just That. 

Here’s a sneak peek of how an influencer marketing platform like Qoruz would make your life easier by generating campaign reports with accurate data:

Source: Qoruz

As easy as that. Once onboarded on an influencer marketing platform, you have all the data you need to figure out how your campaign performed. 

Look at the screenshot below; this report shows every detail you need about your campaign.  

Here are the metrics you get to track easily using an influencer marketing platform:

  • Influencers that went live
  • Numbers of videos that went live
  • Video insights (daily views and historical views)
  • Budget spent 
  • Each influencer budget spend, deliverables, engagement data, CPE, CPV, and their posts
  • Organic reach

Source: Qoruz

Influencer Campaign Tracker Templates

Here is a template you can use to track KPIs for your influencer campaign: 

Text Template 1: 

Influencer name: 



Date range: 


  • Number of followers: 
  • Number of likes and comments: 
  • Number of impressions: 


  • Number of likes: 
  • Number of comments: 
  • Number of shares: 

Conversion rate: 

  • Number of conversions: 
  • Number of clicks: 

Cost per acquisition (CPA): 

  • Total cost of campaign: 
  • Number of customers acquired:

PPT Tracker Template 2:

You can download the presentation here.

Excel Tracker Template 3:

You can download the excel sheet here.


It is important to track and measure the success of these campaigns to optimize future efforts and make informed decisions about marketing strategies.

Hoping the article and templates help you save time while preparing your influencer marketing campaigns. 

Let us know in the comments below any of the best hacks you do when preparing your reports.

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