Why Influencer Marketing is Dominating Digital Advertising

Uggghhhh… Arae yaarr…. How do you even know I searched for it?…. Ring bells? 

We all have been there, from listening to your favorite music on YouTube or scrolling through Instagram to pass the time. It’s the ads that disturb everyone’s peace. 

Ads that overwhelmed all the social media platforms helped them start a new business called subscriptions. Pay to get rid of ads. And the cycle goes on and on. 

Also, on the other hand, most people avoid ads or click on them by mistake. Only a few actually would click-click on the ad to try to know the service. This leads to another question, Are those authentic or trustworthy? 

Authenticity is what your marketing game is all about. And when I say authenticity, I’m certainly sure you wouldn’t think of Ads. Here’s a supporting statement about why digital ads are no longer considered authentic. 

On the other hand, the given statement does not mean that paid ads are not worthy. This is to mention how digital ads have reached saturation and no longer serve their whole purpose. 

A short introduction helped you understand how digital ads fall behind in the given period. 

Let’s dive deep into the reasons why Influencer marketing is taking over digital ads. 

Influencer Marketing Vs. Digital Ads

Influencer marketing is the new kid on the block, but it’s not just a fad. In fact, it’s been around for years and has been growing rapidly in popularity.

In the world of advertising, influencer marketing is slowly coming into its own. With the rise of content-driven social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, influencers have become more influential than ever before. 

Although digital advertising still accounts for most of the market share in terms of dollars spent on online ads, it has steadily begun to fail at converting leads into sales due to several reasons (including bad creative and poor targeting). 

Influencer marketing, however, continues to thrive thanks to its ability to reach an audience with specific interests through a simple endorsement from someone they trust. This makes it easier for brands and consumers to connect without having any prior knowledge about each other’s products or services.

Influencers are people who have large followings on social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube and can help brands reach their target audience with little or no cost. 

If gaining more exposure for your business and increasing sales is your goal, influencer marketing may be right up your alley!

Reasons Why Influencer Marketing is Taking Over Digital Ads

You’ve probably heard of influencer marketing by now. It’s the latest trend in digital advertising, and it’s taking over!

Influencer marketing is an effective way to reach your target audience because they trust their favorite influencers more than other brands. 

Digital ads are becoming less effective because they annoy people who don’t want them on their newsfeeds or smartphones. And why would anyone want something that bad?

However, the following is a brief explanation of reasons that you can relate to. 

Digital ads don’t give you the trial experience. Influencers help you envision how a specific product would look on you or how the product works. 

Without having to break a sweat, you get to see the product, try it out, get feedback, and then buy it (if you’d like.) 

The important part is influencer marketing isn’t annoying as digital ads are. 

People Trust People

When you’re talking to a friend, you know exactly who you’re talking to. You can trust them and have a conversation because of that trust.

People also trust their friends more than they do brands or public figures. It’s not just because they’ve been on television or had their picture taken in magazines before. It’s because people are comfortable interacting with other people face-to-face. 

In fact, according to a recent study by marketing firm RadiumOne, 91% of consumers are more likely to click through and engage with an influencer post than content from brands and celebrities combined! 

This means that using influencers as part of your marketing strategy is one of the best ways for companies like yours (or anyone else) to reach customers where they are: online.

Increase in the Use of Ad Blockers

Ad blocking is on the rise. It’s not just because of the proliferation of smartphones. In fact, there are people who are fed up with ads altogether, just as we discussed earlier.

As more and more people start using ad blockers to get rid of them from their browsers, brands will lose out on revenue.

Here are some examples that might make you think twice about using an ad blocker:

According to IAB, 26% of desktop users use ad blockers to remove ads. So this limits a quarter of the website’s users from seeing advertisements, which reduces conversion rates.

Online platform Medium has abandoned ads altogether, even though it could have adopted strategies that might have increased conversion rates and decreased dissatisfaction levels of readers stumbling across a tonne of ads.

Rise of Micro-to-Middle Influencers

The main reason why influencer marketing has become so popular is that it’s easier to buy followers, likes, and shares. This makes micro-influencers more accessible to brands.

Micro-influencers have also become more engaged with their followers, which gives them credibility in the eyes of your audience. They are able to provide an authentic experience for consumers who trust them or feel like they know them personally. 

Users see these influencers as part of their daily lives or community rather than just being a product placement machine (which some people think happens).

Using this type of engagement model allows you to get better ROI on your ad spend. 

The reason being you’re reaching a smaller group of highly targeted consumers instead of trying to reach everyone across all platforms at once with traditional digital advertising techniques like banner ads or search engines’ keyword optimization algorithms.

Conversational Model, Users Trust Other Users

You may be thinking, “but people trust brands more than they do other people!” And you’d be right. But what if I told you that influencers are actually more trustworthy than brands? 

In fact, studies have shown that consumers tend to trust their friends more than they do any other source of information. Why? Because they know the person behind the content and understand how he or she lives their life. 

With this in mind, social media users are likely going to trust an influencer over an ad because they represent real life, not just an image controlled by marketers.

Utilizing Different Channels

Influencer marketing is becoming more popular because it allows you to reach more people. Influencers use different social media channels such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook. They also use different types of content, like videos or images, for their posts.

Influencers use messaging that makes sense for their audience so they can connect with them on a personal level by engaging with them directly in their comments or stories.

But you might be wondering that digital ads can be utilized across different channels, which is absolutely right. A user might go in search of an influencer across different platforms to watch their content. But, there are hardly any instances where users search for ads or would actually want to see one.


Influencer marketing is taking over digital ads. It’s a new trend that has 

gained traction over the last decade and will continue to grow in popularity as more brands look to align their message with influencers who have a loyal following. 

Influencers have immense influence over consumers, making them perfect candidates for these types of campaigns. 

They can help create brand awareness by sharing their personal experiences with products or services they love. This can result in increased sales because people trust other users more than companies do when it comes down to digital platforms. 

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