8 Essential Metrics to Keep a Close Eye on During Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

Influencer marketing has become an essential part of most brands’ marketing strategy, and for a good reason.

It has the potential to drive significant results for your business. 

But, as with any marketing strategy, it’s crucial to track the right metrics to understand the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

This blog focuses on the 8 important metrics to track in your influencer campaign. 

Metrics to Track in Your Influencer Campaign 


Reach refers to the number of people who have seen your influencer’s content. 

Why Track Reach? 

Gives you an idea of the potential audience exposed to your brand. 

The larger the reach, the more potential there is for driving leads and conversions. 

But reach alone doesn’t tell the whole story – tracking the following metrics is essential. 

Audience Engagement

Audience engagement is a metric that tells you how actively your influencer’s audience engages with their content. 

This includes metrics like comments, shares, saves, and reposts. 

Why Track Audience Engagement?

It shows how the influencer’s content is creating an impact on your audience. 

Engagement Rate

Engagement rate is the number of people engaged with your influencer’s content during its lifetime as a percentage of the total reach. 

Engagement rate includes engagement reach among all the social media shares and organic & boosted data. 

(See the audience engagement picture to understand the difference between engagement and engagement rate)

Why Track Engagement Rate? 

Tells you how many people are actively engaging with your brand. 

A high engagement rate indicates that your influencer’s content is resonating with their audience and that there is potential for driving conversions.  


Formula to calculate impression engagement rate:

You can replace “Instagram” with other social media platforms to calculate each of its impression engagement rates. 

Impression is also called view-through. It’s when a user views the influencer content on a digital platform. 

Click Through Rate

Click Through Rate (CTR) means the number of clicks on your influencer’s content as a percentage of the total reach. 

Why Track Click Through Rate? 

Tells you how many people are taking action on your influencer’s content. 

High CTR = Influencer’s content is driving engagement and conversions. 

When calculating CTR, the number of clicks and impressions is taken into account. 

Social Media Followers 

The number of followers an influencer has is a metric to consider during your influencer campaigns. 

Why Track Social Media Followers? 

To figure out the type of influencer your brand would like to collaborate with. 

Based on follower count, influencers are divided into:

Note: A high number of followers does not always guarantee high engagement. 

There are chances that the number of followers can also be artificially inflated by buying fake followers. 

It’s crucial to verify the authenticity of the followers and engagement.

Audience Demographics

Audience demographics tells you who is your influencer’s audience 

Why Track Audience Demographics? 

Helps you understand if your influencer’s audience aligns with your target market. 

Audience demographics mean the age, gender, location, and interests of the influencer’s followers. 

Understanding an influencer’s audience demographics helps you foresee if the campaigns would reach your target group. 

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness measures how many people have heard of your brand as a result of your influencer campaign. 

Why Track Brand Awareness?

Tells you how successful your influencer campaign is at reaching new audiences and raising awareness of your brand. 

You can measure brand awareness through surveys or tracking metrics such as reach, impressions, website traffic, and sales.  

If an influencer posts a reel/video for your brand as a part of the campaign, you can analyze how many people are exposed to your brand, seeing the everyday views. 


Conversions refer to the number of people who have taken a desired action as a result of your influencer’s content. 

This could be a purchase, sign-up, or other desired action. 

Why Track Conversions?

To see if your influencer is driving actual results (i.e.,) ROI for your business.  

After the campaign goes live, any user intrigued to know about your brand might search for your brand and end up looking at your website. 

Here the chances of conversions are pretty high because the audience would want to know what your brand offers. 

Track the Google Search Console for your website visits and sales after your campaign goes live to understand conversions. 


It’s worth noting that no single metric can give you a complete picture of how your influencer campaign is performing. 

For example, a high reach with a low engagement rate may indicate that the content is not resonating with the audience, while a low reach with a high engagement rate may indicate that the content is performing well but not reaching enough people.  

It’s essential to track a combination of the discussed metrics to get a comprehensive view of the performance of your influencer campaigns.

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