Influencer Marketing Strategies for Reaching Gen Z

Millenials are above 40 or at least in their late 30s—no offense to the ones hitting their 4th-decade milestone on this planet. And on a side note, age category is a considerable criterion to consider when it comes to marketing. 

Look at Gen Z; they are increasing in number. They have already taken over the decision making game in terms of purchasing for themselves and their household. 

And targeting them is a better way to gain a significant audience for your brand. 

This article is about who these Gen Z’s (Generation Z) are, how they can benefit your business, and ways to reach them via Influencer marketing. 

Who Is Gen Z?

Gen Z is a demographic that includes users born between 1995 and 2012. Generation Z’s the cohort generation following the millennials. 

There are a lot of differences between Gen Z and Millennials. As a brand owner or marketing manager, you must understand the generation better to ace the game in influencer marketing. 

Before we start with the how and why’s of this article, here is something you need to know:

Gen Z’s got a nickname: Mindful Buyers” 

Benefits of Targeting Gen Z

You must have known how traditional marketing works, right? They always depend on word-of-mouth marketing. This helps businesses to grow not only in revenue and conversions but also in terms of loyalty. 

Why am I mentioning word of mouth marketing here? Because Gen Z’s more into it. 

Once they start liking or relating to your brand for the values, beliefs, and services you provide, you don’t have to ask to recommend your products and services to others. They’d do it themselves. They become your brand ambassadors. 

It wasn’t the case with Millennials. Millennials are more likely to stick to a brand regardless of their beliefs or the brand’s content on social media. 

Gen Z stays loyal to a brand they can relate to. Also, only till they can find it beneficial. They won’t mind switching brands if the existing one doesn’t serve its purpose. 

Ways to Reach Gen Z via Influencer Marketing

It’s no secret that the younger generations are in. They’re on social media, they’re buying products, and they’re starting businesses. But what exactly is Gen Z? And how should we engage with them?

It’s also a group who, according to research firm GlobalWebIndex, are more likely than other generations to use social media services like Snapchat and Instagram. 

Millennials need influencers’ help purchasing a product, but it’s not the case with Gen Z. 

Their exposure to social media and other digital platforms has made them well aware of the products and services. Your influencer marketing needs to be with intrinsic details to gather their attention. 

Given the fact that Gen Z’s now the ambassador of word-of-mouth marketing, this might help you in your influencer marketing campaigns. 

Focus on the Nano and Micro Influencers 

When it comes to brands today, we’ve got a lot of options. But what do you do when your target audience doesn’t want to hear from you?

The answer is simple: You can’t just advertise in their feeds; you have to engage with them!

Here’s how: Focus on the Nano and Micro-Influencers. These people are driving social awareness for your brand and creating content that resonates with Gen Z. 

They’re also great at engaging their followers in real-time, so they can be a great place to start if you’re looking for inspiration.

Gen Z loves authenticity; nano and micro-influencers ensure they’re providing Gen Z with content that reflects that.

Emphasize More on Video Content

Video content is king when it comes to engaging content with Gen Z.

Gen Z is a key demographic for advertisers and brands, but it’s not just because they’re young; it’s also because they’re tech-savvy and love video. 

Gen Z’s more likely than any other age group to watch videos on their phones and computers. They spend more time on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Snapchat than any other age group. 

And when it comes to video, Gen Z’s are dedicated: They spend most of their social media scrolling time watching videos. Here are statistics of Gen Z’s from Hootsuite’s average video-watching hours per month. 

That’s why video has become such an essential part of digital marketing campaigns. Now that it’s so popular with Gen Z, marketers are scrambling to find ways to integrate this kind of content into their campaigns!

Be Vocal About Your Values and Beliefs

Gen Z’s more interested in values and beliefs than your content. Your influencer marketing campaigns need to be more core values and beliefs that align with the social good. 

There’s no use in glorifying your content if there aren’t any values you can offer the Gen Z’s. Also, Gen Z wouldn’t mind walking away from a brand or business that serves them no good. 

Create Content that Shares 

Gen Z also tends to engage more with brands on multiple social media platforms than other age groups. They spend more time on the app and spend more money there.

So what can brands do to connect with this generation of consumers? One thing is to focus on authenticity and not just how you present yourself online (though that’s important). 

Think about how you engage with customers as individuals, as opposed to just being part of a larger group or demographic. This is something many brands struggle with; it’s hard for them to find their voice when everyone else around them seems so confident in theirs!

When trying to connect with Gen Z, remember that your brand needs to be raw and honest. This would easily attract Gen Z, and your content will automatically be shareable.  

Tag Events Along with Campaigns 

The new generation wants to be engaged with real people, not just brands they can’t relate to. We know that, and so do you. 

That’s why marketers and brand owners have been working hard to create engaging campaigns that Gen Z can enjoy without getting bogged down in an overwhelming amount of ads.

Conducting campaigns that go along with your amazing content would create a good impact on Gen Z. The engagement with your brand would increase. 

It’s a known fact that Gen Z’s more inclined towards good experiences and product value. Giving them a taste of your products in real time is a win-win for your brand and them. 

Concentrate on Product Quality 

Gen Z concentrates on how your product makes their life easier and enhances their experience. Their experience and your product quality matter compared to them merely collecting products. 

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in the digital age. As a result, they’re used to having their voice heard and their opinions valued. They look for authenticity in their content, which is why we focus so heavily on engaging content that Gen Z wants to see.

Be Mobile Friendly 

The age of Gen Z is upon us, and we’re ready to bring our best content to this promising new cohort.

Gen Z’s consuming the social media platform on their phones, and they’re not going to stop anytime soon. 

The world has changed, and Gen Z has embraced it, and if you’re not creating mobile-friendly content, you’ll be left behind.

Your content isn’t just about selling products or services; it’s about engaging with the audience in a genuine way that makes them feel like they’re actually part of a community. Also, remember the device they’re more into. Ensure your content is optimized for mobile phones. 


We know it’s hard to get your head around the idea of preparing content that is less on the promotional end and more about the brand itself, but that’s just the way it is for Gen Z.

Gen Z’s are your next set of target audience inline. And their presence across all social media channels is an added plus for you to create content that goes well with each platform. 

To form a community for your brand via influencer marketing, you need authentic, engaging content and the right set of influencers. 

You can reach out to influencer marketing platforms like Qoruz to help you meet your goals and reach Gen Z. Wait no more, attract the Gen Z’s and see your brand grow in insane numbers. 

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