Utilizing Instagram for Business: Benefits and Strategies for Brands

Instagram is now one of the world’s most-used social media platforms. But insta is not just about sharing pictures and videos. It has become a hub for brands to connect with their customers and sell their products directly.

So, how is it happening?

Instagram always has leveraged businesses by introducing features to help brands grow and connect with their customers. The feed ad was the first important feature for marketers on the platform, followed by a full-screen story ad that made headlines worldwide.

Let’s discuss in detail how and why brands should incorporate Instagram in their marketing strategy.

Instagram offers the highest customer engagement

Customer engagement is higher on Instagram at 4.21% compared to Facebook at 0.07% and Twitter at 0.07%. Customers are more likely to connect with the brands on instagram than anywhere else.

One of the best ways to build a community for brands is to develop thier Instagram. It can be through regular posts, reels, stories, feed ads, or full-story ads.

Reels are one of the best ways to interact with your audience, not just because it has the best reach but also because Instagram pushes them. According to The economic times, businesses making reels are more likely to connect with their target audience.

People want to shop through Instagram

According to Forbes, Instagram is becoming e-commerce friendly, which means brands can sell their products directly from their website through Instagram. 

People want to shop from Instagram, whether through a shoppable image or through a link. 

And the reason is simple: one-third of the world’s population spends at least twenty minutes on Instagram daily. Their choices are influenced by the pages or brands they follow, and they want to shop from them directly rather than visit their website separately.

Instagram makes brands relatable

Rather than being a faceless corporation to your customer, Instagram offers relatability through stories, behind the scenes, posts and Q n A.

Consistent posting helps your brand stand out in front of your customers because they are involved in the company’s people rather than just the product. It helps your brand to stay ahead of your competitors as well.

Work with Influencers

Instead of flooding the instagram feed with ads, it is better to work with influencers. They help reach a new audience for your brand, target a specific niche, and bring an authentic feel to your brand, which ads generally fail to do. A mix of ads and influencer campaigns is a perfect proportion for a brand to grow on Instagram. 

It is not necessary to collaborate with celebrity influencers for influencer marketing; micro and nano influencers can be a better fit for your brand and can help your brand target a specific niche. According to financial express, micro-influencers are just like another friend therefore working with them has a stamp of total authenticity, and 82% are more likely to take their recommendation.

“Influencer marketing can be difficult, expensive and time-consuming and might need a team of its own” If you think the same, it is time for you to try Qoruz, an easy-to-use marketing tool which takes care of all your influencer marketing needs.

Use of hashtags for better reach

Hashtags have helped in campaign success enormously; from #MyCalvins to #ShareaCoke, hashtags have been proven to increase visibility. Hashtags also help brands separate from the herd and stay ahead of their competitors.

So if you are running a campaign on instagram, it is essential to add relevant hashtags for better reach and generate leads.

How active is your brand on Instagram? comment below

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