Founder Narasi @narasi.tv @narasinewsroom Watch more on www.narasi.tv also YouTube NajwaShihab, Narasi, NarasiNewsroom.
Founder Narasi @narasi.tv @narasinewsroom Watch more on www.narasi.tv also YouTube NajwaShihab, Narasi, NarasiNewsroom.
Najwa Shihab, YouTube Channel Najwa Shihab menjadi bagian Narasi dan akun YouTube resmi Najwa Shihab. Dibawakan langsung oleh Najwa Shihab, topik-topik politik, hukum, sosial, religi dan isu-isu aktual lainnya dikemas lewat kemasan yang tidak sekadar menghibur, namun juga insightful. Mata Najwa, Catatan Najwa dan Shihab & Shihab menjadi program yang tepat bagi mereka yang ingin selalu mendapatkan insight dari berbagai isu mutakhir di Indonesia.
Yes, we have the subscriber count, Creator Authority Score for Najwa Shihab's Youtube channel, average likes, average comments, and average video views.
Yes, you can get verified contact details. Please log in to the Qoruz platform to access them.
The subscriber count for Najwa Shihab's Youtube channel is 10.3M as of Mar 2025.
The average video views for Najwa Shihab's Youtube channel is 526.2K
The average number of likes for each of Najwa Shihab's videos is 12.7K
The average number of comments each of Najwa Shihab's videos gets is 1.8K
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