ABP Nadu, ABP Nadu is the first ever digital only news platform in Tamil founded by ABP Network with over 1 Million subscribers bringing you timely breaking news, entertainment updates, uncovering political and social issues from across the state, nation and the world. The mainstream Tamil digital news platform with an enthusiastic team works 24*7 to deliver hard news, explainers, interviews and debates at a swift phase for its steadfast viewers. The pioneering channel launched during Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections 2021 has an adept team working as gate-keepers to cater to various sections of the society with sensitivity and sensibility. ABP Nadu with the founding principles of integrity, due impartiality, neutrality and independence is best known for its fair and balanced approach while reporting news stories and providing in-depth analysis. For latest news and updates subscribe to ABP NADU https://tamil.abplive.com/ https://twitter.com/abpnadu https://www.facebook.com/abpnadu
Tamil Nadu, India
ABP Nadu, ABP Nadu is the first ever digital only news platform in Tamil founded by ABP Network with over 1 Million subscribers bringing you timely breaking news, entertainment updates, uncovering political and social issues from across the state, nation and the world. The mainstream Tamil digital news platform with an enthusiastic team works 24*7 to deliver hard news, explainers, interviews and debates at a swift phase for its steadfast viewers. The pioneering channel launched during Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections 2021 has an adept team working as gate-keepers to cater to various sections of the society with sensitivity and sensibility. ABP Nadu with the founding principles of integrity, due impartiality, neutrality and independence is best known for its fair and balanced approach while reporting news stories and providing in-depth analysis. For latest news and updates subscribe to ABP NADU https://tamil.abplive.com/ https://twitter.com/abpnadu https://www.facebook.com/abpnadu
Yes, we have the subscriber count, Creator Authority Score for ABP Nadu's Youtube channel, average likes, average comments, and average video views.
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The subscriber count for ABP Nadu's Youtube channel is 1.4M as of March 2024.
The average video views for ABP Nadu's Youtube channel is 17.6K
The average number of likes for each of ABP Nadu's videos is 298
The average number of comments each of ABP Nadu's videos gets is 50
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