Friday Film House

Friday Film House

Friday Film House, We are a production house. A comprehensive one at that. In the most elemental sense we are dreamers and rebels but it's our passion, which drives us to be like that. We are dreamers because that's what keeps us going, dreams gives a sense of purpose to life, a yearning to make life extraordinary. We are rebels because we trade in riskier and difficult paths; paths people would normally tend to avoid. It's movies that we are passionate about. When we talk about movies, first and foremost we are an audience. We are always exhilarated at that magic, which emerge in front of a screen. We like to believe in the incredible power of cinema, that it has an enormous potential to affect the lives of people. And that's exactly why we are in the business of making them. We like to make meaningful entertainers, which touches our hearts and excite our minds. Whatever be the genre of the movies, if we are making them, quality is rest assured.



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Friday Film House

Friday Film House



Friday Film House, We are a production house. A comprehensive one at that. In the most elemental sense we are dreamers and rebels but it's our passion, which drives us to be like that. We are dreamers because that's what keeps us going, dreams gives a sense of purpose to life, a yearning to make life extraordinary. We are rebels because we trade in riskier and difficult paths; paths people would normally tend to avoid. It's movies that we are passionate about. When we talk about movies, first and foremost we are an audience. We are always exhilarated at that magic, which emerge in front of a screen. We like to believe in the incredible power of cinema, that it has an enormous potential to affect the lives of people. And that's exactly why we are in the business of making them. We like to make meaningful entertainers, which touches our hearts and excite our minds. Whatever be the genre of the movies, if we are making them, quality is rest assured.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of Youtube statistics are available for Friday Film House?

Yes, we have the subscriber count, Creator Authority Score for Friday Film House's Youtube channel, average likes, average comments, and average video views.

Can I get contact details for Friday Film House?

Yes, you can get verified contact details. Please log in to the Qoruz platform to access them.

How many subscribers does Friday Film House Youtube channel have?

The subscriber count for Friday Film House's Youtube channel is 827.0K as of Mar 2025.

What is the average number of video views for Friday Film House on Youtube?

The average video views for Friday Film House's Youtube channel is 45.5K

What is the average number of likes Friday Film House's Youtube channel gets per video?

The average number of likes for each of Friday Film House's videos is 310

What is the average number of comments Friday Film House's Youtube channel gets per video?

The average number of comments each of Friday Film House's videos gets is 4

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