Gnapika Productions, Mr. Anil Kumar and Mrs.Praveena are among the most renowned names in the entertainment industry today. With about 20 years of active presence in the industry Mr & Mrs.Anil together started "GNAPIKA ENTERTAINMENTS". Mr. Anil Kumar is the CEO, Director and Mrs. Praveena is the MD, Producer in "Gnapika Entertainments". Gnapika entertainments believe in entertaining all kinds of Television Viewers irrespective of there age and gender by covering all genres of TV shows in fictional and and non-fictional segments.
Gnapika Productions, Mr. Anil Kumar and Mrs.Praveena are among the most renowned names in the entertainment industry today. With about 20 years of active presence in the industry Mr & Mrs.Anil together started "GNAPIKA ENTERTAINMENTS". Mr. Anil Kumar is the CEO, Director and Mrs. Praveena is the MD, Producer in "Gnapika Entertainments". Gnapika entertainments believe in entertaining all kinds of Television Viewers irrespective of there age and gender by covering all genres of TV shows in fictional and and non-fictional segments.
Yes, we have the subscriber count, Creator Authority Score for Gnapika Productions's Youtube channel, average likes, average comments, and average video views.
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The subscriber count for Gnapika Productions's Youtube channel is 921.0K as of March 2024.
The average video views for Gnapika Productions's Youtube channel is 337.6K
The average number of likes for each of Gnapika Productions's videos is 13.0K
The average number of comments each of Gnapika Productions's videos gets is 41
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