FILM COURT, Malayalam cinema is a part of Indian cinema based in the southern state of Kerala, dedicated to the production of motion pictures in the Malayalam language. Although the industry's gross box-office is smaller, when compared to larger market driven Indian industries such as Hindi cinema, Telugu cinema, and Tamil cinema, Malayalam films have gained unique recognition in world cinema for their technical finesse and craft. Malayalam films are released in India, and a handful of them being released in the United States, Australia, Germany, U. K . and the Persian Gulf. Works such as Marana Simhasanam and Vanaprastham were screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1999 Cannes Film Festival.Marana Simhasanam had garnered the coveted Caméra d'Or ("Golden Camera") for that year.
Kerala, India
FILM COURT, Malayalam cinema is a part of Indian cinema based in the southern state of Kerala, dedicated to the production of motion pictures in the Malayalam language. Although the industry's gross box-office is smaller, when compared to larger market driven Indian industries such as Hindi cinema, Telugu cinema, and Tamil cinema, Malayalam films have gained unique recognition in world cinema for their technical finesse and craft. Malayalam films are released in India, and a handful of them being released in the United States, Australia, Germany, U. K . and the Persian Gulf. Works such as Marana Simhasanam and Vanaprastham were screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1999 Cannes Film Festival.Marana Simhasanam had garnered the coveted Caméra d'Or ("Golden Camera") for that year.
Yes, we have the subscriber count, Creator Authority Score for Malayalam Film News 24x7's Youtube channel, average likes, average comments, and average video views.
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The subscriber count for Malayalam Film News 24x7's Youtube channel is 1.1M as of March 2024.
The average video views for Malayalam Film News 24x7's Youtube channel is 715
The average number of likes for each of Malayalam Film News 24x7's videos is 4
The average number of comments each of Malayalam Film News 24x7's videos gets is 2
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