Manorama Online,, a Malayalam news portal belonging to the Malayala Manorama Group, a media conglomerate headquartered in Kottayam, Kerala, has been operational since 1997. It has gained immense popularity among Malayalam-speaking populations worldwide and offers over 40+ channels, including news, movies, music, health, food, travel, lifestyle, sports, auto etc and features, along with a premium section that provides exclusive content and videos. The website also serves the Malayali diaspora through its mobile apps, with the Manorama Online News app being the most downloaded Malayalam News app, available for download on Android and iOs. ManoramaOnline has earned 31 international awards for being the best news portal, including the World Association of Newspapers award in 2016, as well as numerous other accolades, such as the INMA Global Media Award 2021 for Best Product and Tech Innovation and the WAN-IFRA South Asian Digital Media Award 2021 for the Best News Website of the Year.
Kottayam, Kerala, India
Manorama Online,, a Malayalam news portal belonging to the Malayala Manorama Group, a media conglomerate headquartered in Kottayam, Kerala, has been operational since 1997. It has gained immense popularity among Malayalam-speaking populations worldwide and offers over 40+ channels, including news, movies, music, health, food, travel, lifestyle, sports, auto etc and features, along with a premium section that provides exclusive content and videos. The website also serves the Malayali diaspora through its mobile apps, with the Manorama Online News app being the most downloaded Malayalam News app, available for download on Android and iOs. ManoramaOnline has earned 31 international awards for being the best news portal, including the World Association of Newspapers award in 2016, as well as numerous other accolades, such as the INMA Global Media Award 2021 for Best Product and Tech Innovation and the WAN-IFRA South Asian Digital Media Award 2021 for the Best News Website of the Year.
Yes, we have the subscriber count, Creator Authority Score for Manorama Online's Youtube channel, average likes, average comments, and average video views.
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The subscriber count for Manorama Online's Youtube channel is 1.6M as of March 2024.
The average video views for Manorama Online's Youtube channel is 16.1K
The average number of likes for each of Manorama Online's videos is 167
The average number of comments each of Manorama Online's videos gets is 23
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