Host @withnouraldin 🎤 public speaker | TV presenter | MC | life coach | actor |spiritual | fashion lover
Dubai, Dubai, India
Host @withnouraldin 🎤 public speaker | TV presenter | MC | life coach | actor |spiritual | fashion lover
NourAldin نورالدين , #مع_نورالدين يستضيف نورالدين المشاهير والشخصيات العامة في رحلة عبر ماضيهم ومستقبلهم. يقدم جلسة علاجية غير مباشرة باستكشاف طفولتهم وسلوكهم الحالي ودروس الحياة. يناقش البرنامج أيضاً آرائهم حول المستقبل. يُعرض كل خميس with NourAldin celebrities and public figures on a journey through their past and future. It offers an indirect healing session by exploring their childhood, current behaviors, and life lessons. The show also discusses their views on the future, every Thursday
Yes, we have the follower count, Creator Authority Score for نورالدين اليوسف's Instagram page, average likes, average comments, and average video views.
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The follower count for نورالدين اليوسف's Instagram profile is 442.0K as of March 2024.
The engagement rate for نورالدين اليوسف's Instagram profile is 0.08%
The average likes for نورالدين اليوسف's Instagram post is 316
The average number of comments each of نورالدين اليوسف's posts gets is 30
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