
D2C Beauty And Personal Care

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D2C Industry projections, Thought leaders & Investments.

What the report covers:

  • Inputs of leaders from top D2C brands.
  • Active investors in the D2C space
  • Understanding consumer behavior as a marketer.
  • Beauty industry projections.
  • Top 25 Beauty influencers of 2022.
  • Marketing channel overview of D2C Brands.
  • Key industry trends.

While the Indian Beauty and Personal Care industry continues to boom, we bring you the latest Industry projections, inputs of leaders from the D2C Industry and strategies on how they are wooing their customers and growing tremendously.

Qoruz is an influencer marketing and intelligence platform, that enables superior influencer discovery, quick and easy influencer outreach.
Datrux Systems Pvt. Ltd. © 2024


Fashion & Personal Care

Datrux Systems Pvt. Ltd. © 2024